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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder(OCD)

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a disease in which a person has uncontrollable obsessions and compulsions, which causes difficulties in school or social life. Obsessive compulsive disorder is a representative brain dysfunction, and treatment includes pharmacological treatment, cognitive behavioral therapy, and non-pharmacological treatment.


What is obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder or obsessive compulsive disorder is a disease in which a person has obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors, resulting in great pain and difficulty in social life, such as school or work. Obsessive compulsive disorder usually affects 2-3 out of 100 people, with the male-to-female ratio being similar. It can start at any age, but it often occurs around age 10 or between late teens and early adulthood, and it tends to occur earlier in men than in women.




Causes of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Studies have shown that obsessive compulsive disorder runs in families, and genetic factors play a role in its development. It is estimated that genetic factors have a greater influence, especially if the disease develops in childhood.




Symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

1) Obsession

Obsession is when certain thoughts, images, or impulses occur repeatedly and you feel like you have no control over them. I want to stop thinking about it, but it doesn't work out the way I want and it interferes with my daily life. Most patients recognize that this idea is illogical. Typically, obsessions are accompanied by intense and uncomfortable emotions such as fear, disgust, uncertainty, doubt, or a feeling that things must be done ‘just right’.

Recently, the term ‘obsessive’ is often used when one is preoccupied with a topic, idea, or person in daily life. But being obsessive doesn't mean there's something wrong with your routine. For example, even if you are obsessively obsessed with your favorite singer's song or the latest cell phone, you can still meet friends for dinner and go to work without any problems. Also, people sometimes worry about the safety of their loved ones and worry that they have made a big mistake. This is also similar to obsession, but people without OCD think about this for a while and then go back to what they were doing and do it again. You can. In other words, most people have unwanted intrusive thoughts from time to time, but obsessive compulsive disorder is different in that these intrusive thoughts occur frequently and cause extreme anxiety to the point that they interfere with daily life.



2) Compulsive behavior

Compulsions are repeated actions to reduce or eliminate the pain and anxiety caused by obsessions, or actions (and sometimes thoughts) to avoid situations that trigger obsessions. People with OCD know that this is only a temporary solution, but they resort to compulsions because they feel they have no better way to cope. For example, if anxiety increases due to obsessions about being dirty, you may wash your hands repeatedly or use sanitizer, and avoid places or situations that make you feel even the slightest bit dirty.

However, not all insistence on or repetition of a specific behavior is a compulsive behavior. People have their own habits, such as closing the door and checking the faucet before going to bed. The same activities are repeated when learning new skills. Typically, these repetitive behaviors are positive and functional. A librarian's insistence on particular details or preference for neat organization when organizing books may reflect obsessive compulsive personality traits, but this is not necessarily a symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Most OCD patients cannot help but engage in compulsive behavior, they spend a lot of time performing the compulsive behavior, and if they are unable to perform the compulsive behavior, they become very distressed and anxious. It involves repeating certain behaviors not to gain pleasure, but to prevent negative consequences or to avoid and reduce anxiety and obsessions.




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ocd and psilocybin

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, in other words obsessive-compulsive disorder, occurs after depression, prolonged drug use and specific phobias. This disease can occur at different periods of life in 2% of the population.


Experts from the University of Oxford suggested that since psilocybin and ocd has already been proven effective in treating depression and anxiety, it may also be useful in treating OCD.

In particular, it could be used to interrupt repetitive thoughts and actions in patients. In order to understand whether this is so, they conducted a meta-analysis of studies on this topic, says New Atlas.


Among a number of studies that do not meet modern scientific principles, they found several substantiated hypotheses explaining the benefits of adrenaline in the treatment of OCD. One of them, for example, concerned several interconnected regions of the brain - the so-called passive mode network of the brain (SPRM), which is activated in humans at rest. Its functioning is associated with rumination and daydreaming, and its dysfunction is associated with depression and anxiety.


Psilocybin appears to serve as a kind of reset button for the malfunctioning SRM that is seen in patients with OCD. Experiments have shown that one dose of the substance can temporarily disrupt the functioning of this neural network if it begins to malfunction.

And in a 2006 study, patients with moderate to severe OCD were given a dose of psilocybin every seven days for three weeks. All of them experienced temporary relief within 24 hours of taking the drug. Long-term effects were also noted, although to a lesser extent.


However, despite evidence of the psychedelic's effectiveness in the treatment of OCD and other disorders, the process of legalizing it as a medical drug is just beginning. Political and social norms impede research, and the inability to generate much profit from the sale of this natural substance, which is not subject to patents, deprives scientists of funding from pharmaceutical companies.


However, the decriminalization of psychedelics has already begun in some places. In November, residents of the US state of Oregon will hold the world's first referendum on the legalization of psychedelics. If the decision is positive, mushrooms that cause hallucinations can be grown in special institutions and taken in clinics under the supervision of doctors.

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ocd therapy2

Halodoc, Jakarta - Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a disorder of irrational thought patterns and fears (obsessions) that make the sufferer perform repetitive behaviors (compulsions). These obsessions and compulsions can interfere with activities and trigger stress.


When people with OCD try to ignore or stop their obsessions, it makes them feel distressed and anxious. Ultimately, OCD sufferers feel compelled to act compulsively to relieve stress. Despite trying to ignore the disturbing thoughts, the sufferer will do the same thing again.


Also Read: Can Past Trauma Really Cause OCD?


Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

People with OCD may not realize that their obsessions and compulsions are excessive and irrational. Although the obsession and compulsion takes a lot of time and disrupts the routine and even the social function of the sufferer.


Obsessions are repetitive, intrusive thoughts, and urges that cause distress or anxiety. This obsession interferes when the sufferer tries to think or do other things. Examples of obsessive behavior in OCD sufferers:


Fear of dirt.

Need things that are orderly and symmetrical.

Aggressive or fearful thoughts about hurting yourself or others.

Unwanted thoughts, including aggression or ***ual subjects.

While compulsion is repetitive behavior that is excessive and often unrealistic. Here are some examples of compulsive behavior:


Wash or clean.




Follow a strict routine.

Demand a guarantee.


ocd therapy


There is treatment or treatment to relieve OCD sufferers, namely psychological therapy and drugs. One of the psychological therapies that can be done is a type of therapy to help deal with fear and obsessive thoughts without overcoming compulsions. In addition to therapy, antidepressants can help balance chemicals in the brain.


Psychological Therapy

A suitable therapy for OCD sufferers is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) with exposure and response prevention (ERP). Therapists help sufferers solve problems and deal with obsessive or compulsive behaviors. Therapy begins with mild situations before moving on to more difficult situations. People with mild OCD usually need about 10 hours of therapy combined with home exercises. In severe cases of OCD, the sufferer may need longer therapy.


Drug Consumption

It is done if psychological therapy is not successful in overcoming OCD. The drugs that are often used are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). This drug helps relieve OCD symptoms by increasing levels of a chemical called serotonin in the brain. This medicine needs to be taken for 12 weeks to see the effect. Most people need treatment for at least a year until they are declared cured.

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+ نوشته شده: 1403/2/16 ساعت: ۱۷ توسط:spudgene2 :

effects of psilocybin and ocd

Psilocybin, a naturally occurring substance found in magic mushrooms or master mushrooms, is a chemical compound that has strong psychoactive effects. Some research has shown that taking psilocybin in some people with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can significantly improve its signs and symptoms. These studies have shown that psilocybin, as a psychoactive substance, can help control OCD symptoms and in some cases can even reduce repetitive and compulsive behaviors. However, before using psilocybin or any other substance, be sure to check with your doctor to make sure it is the right and safe way to treat your OCD.


OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) is a mental disorder that is associated with irrational repetition of thoughts and worries (obsessions) and performing repetitive and compulsive actions (compulsions). This disorder can affect people's daily life and severely reduce the quality of life. Research has shown that psilocybin, a chemical compound found in chanterelle mushrooms, may be effective in improving OCD symptoms.

Psilocybin is a complex compound that, upon entering the brain, causes strong psychoactive effects with rapid action. This compound in the brain quickly goes to the precursor of serotonin (5-HT2A) and by interacting with it, it creates changes in different neural networks.

Research conducted on the effects of psilocybin and ocd shows that this compound can be effective as a psychoactive agent in improving the signs and symptoms of OCD. One study of people with OCD found that taking a single session of psilocybin under the supervision of a doctor may lead to significant improvement in OCD symptoms. Other research has also shown that psilocybin can affect brain function and alter abnormal activity patterns in neural networks associated with OCD.

Among the effects of psilocybin in improving OCD symptoms are:

1. Reducing the intensity of obsessions and compulsions: taking psilocybin may reduce the intensity and recurrence of obsessions and compulsions.

2. Increase mental flexibility: Psilocybin can help people to effectively disengage from their obsessive thoughts and encourage the mind to be more flexible in the face of these thoughts.

3. Experience more reality: with the effect of psilocybin, people may have deeper experiences of reality that can cause a change in attitude to ephedra. In addition to the positive effects, it should be noted that the use of psilocybin may also be accompanied by side effects such as anxiety, exacerbation of obsessions. , mood changes and unpleasant experiences such as hallucinations or false experiences.

Also, psilocybin consumption should be done under the supervision and guidance of professionals and in a safe and controlled environment. This compound is not legal in many countries and its use without legal authorization may cause legal problems.

Therefore, before using psilocybin or any other substance to treat OCD, be sure to consult your doctor and it is better to consider other treatment strategies such as psychotherapy or medications prescribed by the doctor. Also, things like your medical history, medications, and your physical and mental condition should also be taken into consideration in making a decision.

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Treatment for OCD

Treatment options for OCD

Many people who experience OCD symptoms never seek treatment, perhaps because symptoms can come and go and they can vary in severity over a lifetime.

With OCD, getting treatment early on is usually the best course of action. Outcomes tend to be more successful with early intervention and appropriate care.

Outcomes are also better Trusted Source when treatment is provided by an interdisciplinary healthcare team. This can include doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, and pharmacologists who work together to create a treatment plan that meets your individual needs.


Most people with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder suffer from both obsessions and compulsions. “Obsessions” are thoughts, mental pictures, or impulses that are upsetting but that keep coming back. “Compulsions” are actions that people feel they have to perform to keep from feeling anxious or to prevent something bad from happening.

Common obsessions include fears of getting a disease, fears of hurting someone, fears of forgetting to do something, and fears of doing something embarrassing or immoral. Compulsions are also called “rituals.” Common compulsions include excessive washing or cleaning, checking, repeating actions, hoarding and putting objects in a set pattern.

Most people with OCD know that their fears are not completely realistic at least some of the time. They also feel that their compulsions do not make sense. However, they find themselves unable to stop. Cognitive-behavioral ocd therapy has been demonstrated by research to help people manage and overcome obsessive-compulsive disorder.


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Research supporting psilocybin’s use in treating OCD

Despite a paucity of clinical trials investigating the anti-obsessional effect of psilocybin,

converging evidence from a number of sources, as well as an array of possible

mechanisms of action, lend support to its plausibility as a treatment. Although a

considerable number of user reports on the internet - and one critically acclaimed stand-

up comedy show, developed and performed by an OCD patient - attest to the efficacy of

psilocybin, their comparatively low evidentiary weight preclude their exploration here.

In a rodent model of OCD - marble burying behavior - Matsushima and colleagues

(2009) studied the effects both of psilocybin, and a solution of powdered Psilocybe

argentipes, in mice. While both synthetic psilocybin and the mushroom solution were

recorded to reduce marble burying without reducing general locomotor activity, this

study bears three points worthy of consideration. Firstly, compared to psilocybin, a

much smaller dose of mushroom extract was required to produce significant effects on

marble-burying, suggesting a partial therapeutic role for other components of P.

argentipes. The other psychoactive alkaloids found in the Psilocybe genus, baeocystin


and norbaeocystin, may exert independent effects, or interact with psilocin in an

‘entourage effect’. Secondly, other work investigating psilocybin in rodent models has

failed to detect any therapeutic benefit. Psilocybin produces no change in a rat model of

depression (Jefsen et al., 2019), despite strong antidepressive action being repeatedly

found in human trials. Further research is required to account for this difference, but it

may be that antidepressive action requires cognitive or psychological abilities lacking in

rodents (e.g., the perception and processing of awe or meaning), whereas anti-

obsessional effects are mainly driven by direct pharmacological mechanisms. Finally,

any proposed pharmacological model of the reduction of marble-burying should aim to

go beyond a simple account of agonism at one receptor, since P. argentipes did not

produce a proportional dose-response relationship, displaying instead an inverted ueffect..

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psilocybin and ocd

A recent study by Israeli scientists found that the mushroom extract may demonstrate superior effectiveness compared to chemically synthesized psilocybin, especially in stimulating neuroplasticity and promoting the development of new connections between nerve cells - a very important property. This breakthrough opens up potential applications for treating depression, PTSD and schizophrenia. The study results were published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry.


In work led by researchers Dr. Tsuri Lifshitz and psychiatrist Prof. Bernard Lehrer from Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center, with the participation of graduate student Orrom Shahar and Dr. Alexander Botvinnik, the scientists found that a mushroom extract containing psilocybin may have more potent and long-lasting effects on synaptic plasticity in the brain. compared to chemically synthesized psilocybin.


Millions of people around the world suffer from mental disorders, and many patients remain refractory to existing pharmaceutical treatments. Alarming statistics show that 40% of people suffering from depression find no relief from currently available medications, a similar trend among people with OCD.


Moreover, with approximately 0.5% of the population suffering from schizophrenia, there is an urgent need for innovative solutions tailored to those who do not benefit from existing medications.


Preliminary study results shed light on the discrepancy in effectiveness between psilocybin-containing mushroom extract and chemically synthesized psilocybin. Notably, the extract increased levels of synaptic proteins associated with neuroplasticity in key brain regions including the frontal cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, and striatum.


Metabolomic analysis also revealed notable differences between the mushroom extract containing psilocybin and ocd chemically synthesized psilocybin. The extract demonstrated a distinct metabolic profile related to oxidative stress and energy production pathways.


These findings open up new possibilities for the therapeutic use of natural psychedelic compounds, offering hope to those who have found little relief in traditional psychiatric treatments. As demand for innovative solutions continues to grow, psychedelic drug research represents a critical avenue for the development of novel and personalized medicines.


Additionally, Western medicine has historically favored the isolation of active compounds rather than the use of extracts, primarily to achieve better control over doغير مجاز مي باشدes and the onset of known effects during treatment. The challenge with extracts has been that in the past it has not been possible to consistently produce an accurate product with a consistent composition. In contrast, ancient medical practices, especially those that attributed therapeutic benefits to psychedelic medicine, included the use of extracts or whole foods, such as consuming the entire mushroom.


The main problem with natural extracts is achieving a stable composition, especially in plants, but mushrooms are unique in this regard. The composition of fungi is influenced by their growth environment, including factors such as substrate composition, CO2/O2 ratio, light exposure, temperature and microbiological environment. Despite these factors, controlled cultivation makes it possible to “tame” the mushrooms and obtain a reproducible extract.

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+ نوشته شده: 1403/2/4 ساعت: ۱۷ توسط:spudgene2 :

ocd therapy

Do you suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)?

What is an obsession?

Do you suffer from unsolicited, distasteful, inappropriate or confusing intrusive thoughts or images?


For example:


Feeling dirty or thinking you are contaminated with germs.

Must at all غير مجاز مي باشدts place or reposition objects precisely.

Being afraid that a disaster will occur as a result of an action you have taken (or not).

Having the same doubts over and over again. (e.g. believing that you injured someone in an accident, that you left the stove on, that you did not lock the door, doubts about your relationships and/or ***ual orientation).

You have aggressive, ***ual, or horrible impulses. (e.g. fear of hurting a child, screaming obscene things, incestuous thoughts).

What is a compulsion?

Compulsions are behaviors or mental gestures that you feel you need to repeat over and over again. For example :


Excessive hand washing, checking, touching and repositioning objects.

Praying, counting or repeating words constantly.

Compulsions aim to neutralize the distress born from an obsession, to protect you against a negative situation or against a feared outcome. Unfortunately, the compulsions end up causing distress in themselves.


Why is it important to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)?

When left untreated, obsessive-compulsive disorder gets worse over time and can go from very stressful to downright paralyzing. Luckily you don’t have to suffer alone – there is treatment. No matter how bothered and embarrassed you are by your OCD, your therapist will be able to help you. Ocd Therapy can be effective in freeing you from these confusing thoughts and actions so you can finally invest this time in enjoying your life.

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Psychedelic therapy for OCD

Psychedelic therapy has emerged as a potential treatment approach for individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Psychedelics such as psilocybin, LSD, and ayahuasca are being studied for their therapeutic effects on various mental health conditions, including OCD. Psychedelic therapy involves the administration of a moderate to high dose of a psychedelic substance in a controlled and supportive therapeutic setting, accompanied by preparatory and integration sessions.

Preliminary research suggests that psychedelic therapy may offer unique benefits for individuals with OCD. The altered state of consciousness induced by psychedelics can lead to a temporary dissolution of the rigid patterns of thought and behavior characteristic of OCD. This can provide individuals with a different perspective on their obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors, potentially leading to a reduction in symptoms and an increased sense of psychological flexibility.

Psychedelic therapy for OCD often involves a combination of the pharmacological effects of the psychedelic substance and the therapeutic support provided by trained professionals. The therapy session is typically guided by therapists who help individuals navigate their psychedelic experience and provide emotional support and guidance. Integration sessions following the psychedelic session are crucial for individuals to make sense of their experiences and apply insights gained during the session to their daily lives.

It's important to note that psychedelic therapy for OCD is still in the early stages of research, and more studies are needed to establish its safety, efficacy, and optimal protocols. The therapy should only be conducted under the supervision of trained professionals in a controlled environment. Additionally, psychedelic therapy is not a standalone treatment but should be integrated into a comprehensive treatment plan that may include other therapeutic modalities and support systems.

Despite the ongoing research, early findings suggest that psychedelic therapy holds promise for individuals with OCD. Studies have reported positive outcomes, including a reduction in OCD symptoms, improved quality of life, and increased psychological well-being. However, it's crucial to approach psychedelic therapy with caution and ensure that it is undertaken within a legal and ethical framework, with appropriate safeguards in place.


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