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Deep TMS Depression Treatment Protocol

Introducing BrainsWay Deep TMS Treatment for Depression

A revolutionary depression treatment that has changed the field of mental healthcare, Deep TMS™ has been FDA-cleared to safely and effectively treat Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) through BrainsWay’s patented H-coil technology.

Deep TMS treatment for depression works by utilizing a magnetic field that manages to directly reach wider and deeper brain regions, regulating the neural activity of brain structures related to major depressive disorder – specifically the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC).

Repeated peer-reviewed studies have found Deep TMS to be a highly effective treatment that can facilitate a profound improvement in patients’ mental health, alleviating symptoms of depression and contributing to a significantly greater quality of life.

As a noninvasive procedure, Deep TMS is a well-tolerated treatment that does not cause any adverse or long-lasting side effects. It does not require a significant recovery period, and the 20-min treatment can easily be integrated into each patient’s day-to-day schedule.

Deep TMS Depression Treatment Protocol
BrainsWay’s unique, patented H-Coil technology is held inside a cushioned helmet fitted onto the patient’s head. Upon activation, the H-coil produces magnetic pulses that regulate the brain’s neural activity.

BrainsWay’s Deep TMS sessions for depression last approximately 20 minutes, as opposed to 40-minute standard rTMS sessions.  Alternatively, a 3-min intermittent theta burst (iTBS) session is also available.   A Deep TMS treatment plan usually requires daily sessions over four weeks, followed by periodic maintenance sessions.

The following graphic details Deep TMS’s treatment protocol, with its Acute and Continuation phases:


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